I first began writing internet webpages in 2000. I began writing pages to show scriptural references for subjects. After frequenting chatrooms,  I came to realize that there are several interpretations of scripture. And so, I began a question to research and present the earliest Christian and Jewish positions on the scriptural references of subjects. This is a general practice of theological writers of the past and leads to a writer's embrace of Paleo-Orthodoxy.

Jeremy Brown
Born April 8, 1973
Saved in 1982
Water Baptized in 1983
Called to preach in 1983
Baptized in the Holy Ghost in 1989
Inaugurated for ministry in 1991
Wrote first song in 1992

Completed Bachelor in Education Secondary Math in 2012

Served as Associate Pastor, Youth Leader, Worship Leader, and Evangelist, Public School Math Teacher

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