Ministers are Clergy

According to the Holy Bible, the clergy of the Church is comprised of the 5 ordained ministries of pastors, teachers, evangelists, apostles, and prophets (Ephesians 4 : 11-16). Three other church offices are included in the New Testatemnt: bishops, elders, and deacons. The 5 offices of the ministry and the 3 church offices all serve under the spiritual headship of Jesus Christ. Ministers(Clergy) are called to equip and lead the Church(Christians) for the service of God, spreading the Gospel, direct the sacrifices of praise and thanksgiving through the stewardship of time, energy, money, and spiritual gifts. Ministers are expected to serve as biblical counselors, teachers, and trainers who have been given by God to people in order to empower Christians for works of service to God. For clarification, ministers preach, lead, teach, inform, equip, counsel, cast out demons, prophesy, and guard their families, Believers, and the Community throughout their call to ministry. These are essential elements to Biblical clergical ministry. We are charged/ordered to proclaim the truth of God, whether said truth is popular or unpopular (II Tim. 4:1-5). Be sure to weigh everything that the minister teaches with the word of God.

Note to self: The counselling side of ministry is non-negotiable. This duty ranges from answering the questions of "What must I do to be saved?" to "Do you think I am ready to get married?" to "What can I do to better my Christian walk and witness?" to "What can I do to fix my marriage?" and even "How do we cast out demons?" This counselling duty does not encompass secular psychological counselling nor professional secular counselling. It is a requirement for leaders to counsel as needed when needed. If a minister claims to be a minister and does not involve himself in Biblical leadership counselling then he is falling short of his expected role.

L.E.A.D. toward restoration & maturity in Christ, for God's glory, when you are in authority:
(Who is to lead?  Government officials, pastors, husbands, parents, employers, teachers, etc. . . . . )
- Loving                    (Mat 22:36-40; Joh 13:34-35; Rom 13:8-10; 1 Co 12-14; Gal 5:14; 1 Jo 3-4)
- Equipping                (Rom 1:12; Col 2:2; 1 Th 3:1-2; 5:14; 2 Ti 3:15-17) Teach, Convict, Correct, Train
- Accountability      (Mat 18:15-20; 28:18-20; 2 Tim 2:1-4; Titus 2:3-5) Man to man, Woman to Woman
- Discipline               (Mat 18:15-20; 1 Co 5:9-13) One to One, Two or More, Church, Public

F.O.L.L.O.W. your leaders, in order to reveal Christ's character, when you are under authority:
(Who is to follow?  Citizens, church members, wives, children, employees, students, etc. . . . .)
1 Peter 5:5-9; Luke 2:39-52; Rom 13:1; Heb 13:7-17; Eph 5:22 & 33; 6:1; 6:5; Gen 9:1-3; . . . .
- Fear  ?        (Eph 5:33; Col 3:22  "phobeo" = respectful, submission, recognizing authority as delegated by God.)
- Observe    (1 Co 11:1 You cannot follow unless you look to see what the leader is doing.)
- Listen      (Pro 4:1 To help, you must incline your ear & heart to receive instructions.)
- Learn     (Php 4:9   An assistant learns what is needed & expected, to work as an effective helper.)
- Obey    (1 Pe 3:6  Knowing what to do, but not doing it, is destructive and dishonoring to God.)
- W alk     (Gal 5:25  "stoicheo", marching under authority produces God's order, harmony, & glory.)

Jeremy Brown 2005

Assembly of God Position on Ordination

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