n 1: a belief (or system of beliefs) accepted as authoritative by some group or school [syn: doctrine, school of thought, ism] 2: the rational investigation of questions about existence and knowledge and ethics 3: any personal belief about how to live or how to deal with a situation; "self-indulgence was his only philosophy"; "my father's philosophy of child-rearing was to let mother do it"

Source: WordNet ® 1.6, © 1997 Princeton University

All other dictionaries and Encyclopedias I could find expressed Philosophy as basically, "rational thought free from the confines of faith."

The popular philosophers in Christianity are mostly early Roman Catholics. Individuals like St. Augustine and Jerome both admired the celebrated Plato and tried to use Plato's viewpoints to progress their version of God's Grace. Another church philosopher who has Auguistinian patterns was named Saint Thomas Aquintas. Calvin and Luther are both known to quote Augustine. Luther was even given the nickname "The Philosopher." Calvin had a degree in Philosophy. These men all had Platonistic views. Rather, NeoPlatonistic.

Philosophy is generally attributed to Socrates. Plato was Socrates' student. Aristotle was Plato's student. Their views thrive not only in the secular world but in Calvinistic and Catholic realms in the 21st century.

I admire C.S. Lewis personally. He lived in the 20th century. He is considered a philosopher by many. I however do not see him as a philosopher but in his work
Mere Christianity, Lewis presents the basics of the Christian faith in a philosophical manner. I believe Lewis is completely accurate in his doctrine and explanations because Lewis presents a Jewish and Christian perspective of God and Religion.

Click below for more links on Philosophy:

Commentaries on Philosophy
The Philosophy Class
Philosophy from a Secular Viewpoint

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