
While the history of the early church reveals the continuation of the blessings of God throughout the Apostolic Age, there began to be failure and apostasy (Acts 5:1-11; Galatians 5:5-9; I Timonthy 1:19, 20; II Timothy 4:10). The apostasy that began in the Apostolic Age continued to increase through the centuries until the power of God in the Church was almost a thing of the past. The Church entered the Dark Ages and corruption increased. The bishops of the Church began to rule through civil governments and murdered millions of people because they would not conform to the Roman Catholic religion. With the exception of a few isolated spiritual awakenings, the power of Pentecost had been almost totally extinguished.
     Then Martin Luther began the Protestant Reformation by declaring that "the just shall live by his faith" (Habakkuk 2:4). Once the Bible doctrine of salvation by grace had been restored, the Spirit of God began flaming the fires of revival! The Bible once again was read by the common man. The Anabaptists began teaching water baptism by immersion. John Wesley began preaching sandtification and a life of holiness. A fervent expectancy for the soon return of the Lord swept the heart and life of believers.
                                   "God's Plan for the Ages." pg. 216. Jimmy Swaggart Ministries. 1986.

Protestantism has two sides. One side being basic Protestantism and the other is Reformed Protestantism.

Basic Protestantism in and of itself is an objection to Catholicism, paganistic rituals, and a works salvation. There have always been nonCatholic Christians since the inception of Catholicism. Examples include Justin Martyr, Anabaptists, Peter Waldo, etc. The list continues. Protestants believe that the 66 book canon is God's Word and that all other books are not to be included as part of the Bible. Catholicism embraces other books as being part of the Bible. Protestantism says that man cannot save Himself. Only receiving Christ as Saviour and Lord can save you. All other methods and paths are meaningless. You cannot work for salvation because Christ has already completed the works.

Reformed Protestantism is even more radical. I have found teachings among this faction that reminds me of Greek Mythological teachings. I admit that I have several several objections to it. You can hit the back button to view various pages of my objections to many of its distorted teachings. I will give an overview here.

Just as Basic Protestantism, Reformed Protestantism is an objection to Catholicism, paganistic rituals, and a works salvation. It has not always been around and running rampant as has Basic Protestantism. Among many Reformed Protestant factions there is an embrace of the books beyond the 66 book canon. Keep in mind that Catholicism embraces extra-Biblical books as well. In the 4th Century AD, a Catholic priest named Augustine began a series of writings. History records that Augustine was a pagan and fascinated with Rome before he became a Catholic priest and bishop. He had made every effort to make himself as Roman as possible. Back to his writings, I can't say that I value any of Augustine's writings personally but they are a most interesting read. In Greco-Roman Mythology, Zeus, the king of the gods, had power over all things except for destiny. Destiny and fate were only subject to the three female beings named The Fates. The Fates were not as powerful as Zeus perse, but Zeus and all of creation were subject to the will of The Fates. I can see personally how this mythology was incorporated into Augustine's Catholic pre-Reformed teachings and philosophies which influenced both Martin Luther and John Calvin.

Dare I say that Augustine's teachings are influenced by Greco-Roman pagan mythology? Yes I did and you can quote me on that. I however believe that the three men's hearts were in the right place. I also agree that there is no works salvation. I do however agree with the three of them in their documented stands against Sabbatarianism(Sabbath Keeping).

For the record, I do not feel right about embracing teachings that are so deep rooted in both pagan Greco-Roman mythology nor Catholicism. Do I reject every single work of these 3 men? No. Just those similar to the 5 points of Calvinism is what I reject.

For more sites that expose the mythological influences of Reformed teachings, hit the back button.

- - Jeremy Brown 2003

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